NachOS Installation in Ubuntu

Sunday, 25 August 2013
Credits : Excerpt taken from here

NACHOS was rewritten in JAVA and thus it is now platform independent and can run on any machine ( provided jre and jdk are installed on it , ofcourse ).

So here's how to install it in Ubuntu ( theres nothing which can be called as "Installation" , its juz copying and pasting ! )

So first you need to get this Nachos-java.tar.gz file from here.

Just "untar" it in your home folder by :

tar -xf nachos-java.tar.gz

Now you'll get a folder named nachos with various files in it . ( make sure you paste this folder in your home directory )

You need to grant executable permission to $HOME/nachos/bin/nachos file
To do this :
chmod  777  $HOME/nachos/bin/nachos

Next thing , download the mips.x86-linux.xgcc.tar.gz from here.

Untar this file also in your home directory :

tar -xf  mips.x86-linux.xgcc.tar.gz

Okey , now we need to edit some configuration files , here's how :

  • The nachos/test/Makefile ,  open this file with gedit and add the following lines just after the comments at the top :
        ARCHDIR = $HOME/mips.x86-linux.xgcc  
        Or just download this edited Makefile and replace the original one.

  • The .profile file in your home directory (its hidden !), editing it wrongly can lead to troubles , better download this edited .profile and replace the original one. 

And with this we must be done . Now goto nachos/proj1/ and run :

this compiles the files to BLAHBLAH.class files and stuff .

This runs the nachOS !

If you see an output like this shown below , you're done !

Overheads:Threads and Processes in C

For creating processes in Linux we need to use the library available in Unix unistd.h . The normal process for creating a child process is as follows:

int main()
      pid_t pid;   //the process id
          printf("Failed to create the childd process\n");
           //work to be done by the parent process
           //the child process here
     return 0;

To find out how much over overhead does this cost to the system let us create multiple child processes.This is usually done this way:

#define NUM_PROCESSES 100

struct timeval t1,t2;

int main()
      pid_t pid[NUM_PROCESSES];
      int i;
      //clock_t start,stop;
      //double t=0.0;
         perror("fork error\n");
     else if(pid[i]==0)
         //do work with the child
         printf ("[log]Created child process number:%d\n",i);
      int status;
      pid_t rstatus;
      int n=NUM_PROCESSES;
      //printf("Time taken ::%f\n",t);
      printf("---------------time taken is::%ld----------------\n",t2.tv_usec-t1.tv_usec);
      return 0;

So we calculated the system time taken for creating 10 processes was : In micro seconds the total amount of time taken was about 15,441.To compare this to thread creation process we wrote a program with same number of threads as the number of processes i.e. 100 .Again we use the gettimeofday function to get the time taken for spawning the threads.The program for thread is as follows:

#define NUM_THREADS 100

struct timeval t1,t2;

void *PrintCreated(void *threadId)
  long tid;
  printf("[log]Created thread with thread id::%ld\n",tid);

int main()
  pthread_t threads[NUM_THREADS];
  int rc;
  long t;
  /*clock_t start,stop;
  double tt=0.0;
      //printf ("[log]Creating thread %ld\n",t);
      rc=pthread_create(&threads[t],NULL,PrintCreated,(void *)t);
    perror("Error creating thread\n");
  printf("Cpu time taken:%f\n",tt);*/
  printf("--------------time taken :: %ld----------------\n",t2.tv_usec-t1.tv_usec);

The time taken for generating NUM_THREADS was 9453 milliseconds.Hence spawning of threads is 1.63 times faster than spawning of processes because in creating threads we donot need to create the data space and other things because threads share the data.
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