Traversal in Binary trees...

Friday, 6 April 2012
Preorder traversal:

if(v==NULL) then return
else visit(v)//generic computation

if(v==NULL) then return
else postorder(v.leftchild())
visit(v)//generic computation

Use of post order traversal:
->computing arithmetic expression

Inorder traversal:When the node is visited between the left
and the right subtree(only in binary tree)

if(v==NULL)then return
else inOrder(v.leftChild())

Another way is the Euler Tour traversal:

->generic traversal of the binary tree.
->Each case is a special case of this tree
->Each internal node is visited three times

->Given the preorder and the inorder traversal of a binary tree
we can find out the actual tree recursively.
->Similarly we can find the tree from post order and inorder
traversal mentioned.
->But a postorder and a preorder traversal is insufficient as
there can be two trees having the same preorder and post order
->however in case of binary tree we can make the tree given the preorder and the post order traversal

Next entries will be:
1. Program to print the tree given:
->postorder and inorder traversal
->preorder and inorder traversal
->postorder and preorder traversal in binary tree
2. To compute the number of possible trees given a particular
order of binary tree

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